Keep trying, keep failing, keep learning
There are no guarantees that, if you try, you will succeed. There are no guarantees of success, nor that you’ll know which direction to move from there. It might just be a failure. It might just not work out. But there is one guarantee, and that is that if you don’t try, if you don’t give that new idea or direction even a chance, you will stay where you are. Nothing will change unless you do. That’s the harsh truth. If you want things to change, then you have to change.
And that might just be the hardest thing to accept and be comfortable with, the change itself. We want it so bad when we are unhappy with our current situation. We want that job, that company, that salary, that life style, that body, that apartment. Yet we don’t see who we have to become in order to get that one thing. We stare ourselves blind on the achievement, that we completely neglect the process we have to put into place in order to reach that thing. And that’s where so many of us get it wrong. We think it’s about the thing, when actually it’s about the process.
If you have dreams of reaching a certain point in life. Whether that be a certain salary, a certain position, a certain property or a certain company, you have to first understand who you have to become in order to achieve that. Because where you are right now, is a result of the person you currently are, and the choices you’ve made up until now. The question shouldn’t be whether or not you want the thing. The question should be, do I really want to become the person who does the things that are necessary in order to achieve that thing?
That’s the question I had to ask myself those years ago when I was utterly miserable in my life, so blatantly unhappy with what my life looked like, and who I was. And it’s the question you have to keep asking yourself. Because above the top of that one mountain you are trying to scale, is another mountain top. And above that mountain top, is another. So the question is not about the mountain top itself. But if you want to become a mountain climber, and if so, how. What do you have to stop doing, and what do you have to start doing?
And even when you thought you’d changed enough, you’d learned enough, quit enough bad habits and created enough good habits. Even though you think you’ve done enough, you could still fail. I have, so many times. I’ve tried so many times, pushed myself so many times, and failed more times than I’ve succeeded. That’s part of it. Failure is part of success. That’s the best way that we learn. It’s what will open up your mind with such fierce force, that you can either run away because you can’t handle the truth, or you are forced to accept things as they are.
And that’s really uncomfortable. When you have nobody but yourself to blame for the failure. Some won’t accept that, and instead start pointing at others for the blame. They don’t realise the power behind taking 100% responsibility of your life, both your successes and your failures. If you first can accept that you will fail, because we all suck at everything in the beginning. And if you can then have the acceptance and be your own coach in the process, where you can analyse and learn from your failures, redirect yourself and keep moving forward. If you can change from being obsessed with the mountain top, and instead being obsessed with who you need to be in order to keep scaling mountain tops, you will be unstoppable. Because scaling mountain tops, is part of who you are. You’ve changed your dream from being just that, a dream, into being a part of what you simply do, every day.
So, ask yourself, are you ready for that? Are you ready to change who you are, to get to that mountain top?